Monday, February 22, 2016

8. "Digital rights group alleges Google invades student privacy" Summary and My Opinion


Google says that they have not done anything wrong when they were accused of invading the privacy of students using laptop computers that have the Chrome operating system, the complaint was file in December with the Federal Trade Commission. The complaint claims that Google created the Chromebook in a way that allowed to collect information about student's search history, supposedly the foundation is doing this to analyze, "the activities of students in kindergarten through 12th grade so it can improve its digital services." The complaint insists that Google is violating a "Student Privacy Pledge" that they signed last year stating that it would not use the student's personal information for non-education purposes.

Even though Chromebooks have become popular in schools because some of the models have a favorable price, Google has gotten some of its other products into trouble by violating its users' privacy. In 2012 the FTC decided that Google created a loophole that allowed its, "digital advertising network to shadow the online activities without their consent," and had to pay a $22.5 million fine. As part of the settlement with the FTC Google agreed to period privacy after Google's Safari surveillance mislead its users about the privacy issues.

My Opinion:

I have heard some of the issues involving Google and their disregard of privacy in the past, but I did not realize how severe it had become. It makes me want to reconsider using Google and Chrome in the future. I think that students, teachers and parents should read this article and consider the pros and cons before they use this company.

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