Monday, January 25, 2016

2. (cont.) "A Teenager's View on Educational Technology" My Opinion

For the majority of this article I agree with the author and her opinion on educational technology. I think with the technological advancements that are occurring that it is inevitable for tablets or laptops to not be incorporated in the classroom. I think that there are more students who do not understand technology and do not know how to use it than schools think, therefore if schools want to use this kind of tools they should offer bootcamps to both students and teachers to help them understand. I personally do not want to use google classroom or evernote, because I like to take notes the old fashion way, and I like to have a physical document, but I do see how they would be beneficial. I have recently discovered google drive and I find it to be very useful especially when I have to save documents and I forget my flash drive; it was also useful to me when I participated in group projects, because we had different schedules and our teacher was able to give us feedback quickly. I have been using Khan Academy for the past six years and it has helped me immensely with my school work, I highly suggest it.

I think teachers should not limit reaching their students through twitter, because not all students have it, I personally do not. I can see how interactive whiteboard would be beneficial when and if the programs have been updated. I am trying to learn and understand technology, because I know that when I start teaching I am going to have to be to use it in my classroom and help my students with it as well. 

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