Monday, February 1, 2016

3. "Digital Tools Evolving to Track Students' Emotions, Mindsets" Summary and My Opinion


  Sidney D'Mello said that, "emotions have a powerful influence on cognition." Academic researchers are developing computerized tutoring systems that are personalized  for each student. The information that is gathered is based on the student's, "facial expression, heart rate, posture, pupil dilation, and many more." This is used to detect and analyze if the student is bored, confused, and even their overall engagement, which leads to the, "computer avatar to respond with encouragement, empathy, and maybe a helpful hint."
   Even though there is increasing power and affordability of technology that tracks eye movement, voice recognition, and many other, it may take a few decades for the applications to be available for whole classrooms. MIND Research Institute's math software, that is widely used, is not only to develop math skills, "but also curiosity, perseverance, and a mindset that mistakes are powerful learning opportunities." This software would be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses on many domains of individual students then customize problems. At the moment, "MIND Research Institute gauges mindset and character traits that are primarily on a average second grade level."
  Mindprint Learning on the other hand uses several online cognitive assessments to create customized profiles of how individual students learn including, "everything from verbal reasoning to spatial perception." Similar to other programs in this field they are trying to create a "user-friendly" version that both teachers and parents can use to create a personalized learning experience.

My Opinion:

  To a certain degree I think that these types of programs will be beneficial to students and it is going to give teachers insight on how their students think and the way that they learn the best. The fact that the programs will be designed specifically for their individual needs and will help them in areas that they need help in; I think will be a good contribution to education. I do not think that we should rely on computers completely and it should not take the place of the teachers. Even if the the computer can sense your emotions and help you, a teacher can provide reassurance and help in a way that a computer can't.

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