Tuesday, February 23, 2016

10. Concept Map

Water Cycle

2010 Mississippi, Science Standards,
Third Grade
Gather and display local weather information such as temperature, precipitation, clouds, etc. (DOK 3)
Instruments (wind vane, rain gauge, thermometers, anemometers, and barometers)
Cloud types (cirrus, stratus, cumulus)
Water cycle (evaporation, precipitation, condensation)

I     I. Evaporation 
          Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or       the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or         steam leaves the body of waters and goes into the air.
           A. Bodies of Water
                1. Oceans
                2. Rivers
                3. Lakes
           B. Ground Water
      II. Condensation
           Condensation is the process where water vapor in the air is        ... changed into liquid water. Condensation is crucial to the water    ... cycle because it is responsible for the formation of clouds.
             AWater Vapor
                  1. Dew
                       The water droplets formed by condensation of water    ..............  vapor on an object with a relatively cold surface.
                  2. Clouds
            B. Water
     III. Precipitation
           When there is so much water that it condensed in the air and    ... cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls .... back to the earth in different forms.
            A. Snow
                 1.  Sleet
                 2. Hail
            B. Rain
     IV. Collection
           When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back   ......in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land and soak ......into the soil.
             A. Bodies of Water
             B. Ground Water
                  1. Springs
                  2. Wells
     V. Transpiration
           Transpiration is  evaporation of water from plant leaves.
           Moisture is carried through plants from the roots to the      ....underside of leaves, where it changes to a vapor and is released   .....into the atmosphere.
            A. Leaves
                 1. Flowers
                 2. Trees
            B. Roots


  1. Awesome job on the concept and love the theme.

  2. I love your concept map! super informational and cute

  3. I hate science but this looks like I could enjoy learning the subject!

  4. Very creative love the pictures too

  5. I like the way you used images. Good job!

  6. I love the color scheme. Great topic.

  7. Really organized and color coordinated. Very pretty!

  8. Very clear and concise! Great Job!

  9. Very informative and detailed! Great job!

  10. I like the topic you chose! I also really liked the link to the in-class activity! Nice job!

  11. love the pictures and videos

  12. Very nice design and useful information!! Awesome job!!!

  13. i really like how you broke down the water cycle, because this was an area in science that I struggled with. I fill like the children would have a good time doing the condensation experiment

  14. Great breakdown of the water cycle! I really like the link to the in-class activity! Great Job!
