Monday, February 15, 2016

6. "What does research really say about iPads in the classroom?" Summary and My Opinion


Even though the research on teacher integration is limited it has been found that teachers are resistant to fully integrating of iPads and technology into their class rooms, due to lack of training, access and time. Jeanne, an elementary and part-time professor, and Tanya, an university professor and former special education teacher, both love technology and using it as a teaching tool. "They had their university assign fifteen pre-service teacher interns to the elementary school that Jeanne is a teacher at," and trained them to use iPads in the classroom as a teaching tool, and how to troubleshoot problems.

It is necessary for all teachers to have training in order to use an iPad effectively even though "younger" teachers are often presumed to naturally know how to use technology. Even though this belief is popular not all of them know how to use technology to, "design and implement lessons." Both with children and without children, the interns were given time to "play" on iPads and were able to go into classrooms and help teachers with their lesson plans and planning ideas.

Just like it was wrongly assumed that younger teachers know everything there is to know about technology, kids also do not fully understand it and do not know how to use it. Children also need training and elementary students need to know how to respect and care for the iPads. Children also need to be taught how to correctly and safely use Google, Safari, and Chrome.

Project Based Learning is one of the main reasons why iPads improve classroom learning; they can be used to reach a wide variety of students at every grade level, learning disabilities, reluctant learners and gifted students. As a teacher uses technology the more comfortable they will be with it in their classroom and the more beneficial with will be to them and their students.

My Opinion:

I use to be against technology in classrooms, but as I read more articles I am learning how it can be beneficial in a classroom. It personally makes me feel better than I am not the only one my age that does not understand technology and does not know how to include it in my classroom; even children need training and help with it. I still do not think that teachers should completely rely on it, but if it will help my future students improve and provide a level playing field I will give it a chance.

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