Tuesday, February 23, 2016

9. "UC Berkeley students file lawsuit against Google alleging illegal scanning of emails" Summary and My Opinion


Four UC Berkeley students and alumni filed a lawsuit against Google saying that their emails were intercepted, read and scanned for advertising purposes without their permission. This violates the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and while Google has not released any information that verifies that they scanned the emails, but "Ray Gallo of Gallo, LLP, who is filing the lawsuit on behalf of UC Berkeley students and alumni, and the plaintiffs believe that a 2014 post by Google acknowledging that Apps for Education emails had been scanned prove it." Mr. Gallo states that the claims could be worth $10,000 per person for damages." Mr. Gallo does not seem to think that there will be an end between Google and lawsuits being filed against them, because as more people find out about the allegations of Google's "data mining" he expects to file more cases against Google. 

My Opinion:

I agree with one of the plaintiffs Gillula when he said that in order to participate in college you have to give up some your privacy to even be able to turn in homework and assignments. This is a scary thought, because I do not think that Google will stop interceding its user's emails and scanning its collection of online tools and services that they provide despite the fact that lawsuits have been filed against them. I think that schools and colleges should reconsider using Google as a tool for the safety of staff, professors and students. 

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