Thursday, February 18, 2016

7. "Life on Mars" Summary and My Opinion


When I first started reading this article, I thought that we were actually living on Mars, but it turns out they are participating in a simulated Mars or sMars in Hawaii that started in late August 2015. A crew of simulated astronauts including a space architect, an engineer, three scientists and a crew doctor live in a dome at 8,000 feet above sea level on a barren side of a volcano for one year and one day.

Their training included how to use the power systems, the correct way to tap on the water tank, how to get correctly get into a space suit. At first they did not receive must attention, but once "The Martian" came out they started to receive more attention, but they could not do anything about it. They were on a 20 minute communication delay just like it would be if they were actually on Mars, if something happened and they needed help it could take hours, but in the mean time the crew would have to take care of it.

The author of the article state that they have, "learned to repair, repurpose and rebuild things in ways they never would have before and value is based on its usefulness, that includes an object, a task, and even a person." Just like life on Mars, life on sMars is elemental; it revolves around sun, water, air, rocks, and what they can and cannot do with them in the right combinations.

My Opinion:

I did not know that this was going on, I had heard that they were talking about doing a simulator, but I did not realize it would be on this size of a scale. I think eventually humans will live on Mars, or the Moon if things keep going the way they are. It will probably be towards the end of my life, or it is possible it won't be in my lifetime that we somewhere other than earth, but from what I read in this article it we are getting really close.

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